Art Days- NO NAME

Their idea in 1996 . came headmaster V. Daniliauskas and art teacher A. Vorevičiui as a non-traditional student arts style, which some of them are even new teachers and professional artists . In the first year , the event lasted only one day, and the last three years of art has been going on all week and go outside of school - in the city or even the surrounding area , and so called "New trajectory .
Separate days for a drama studio and photographer V. Venslovaičio photo sessions , primary school pupil painting shares spatial art. The biggest commotion is the last day when the school turns into an art academy, which brings together artists from here in Vilnius , Kaunas , Klaipėda, Jurbarko , Vilkaviškio , regional folk artists and art teachers . Every year, more testing new materials and techniques , from painting on paper and wall paintings , textiles, collage , stained glass , assemblages , floral and clothing designs.
Students , teachers and parents to create a school of art works exhibited in the gallery of the underworld , adorned school spaces and the environment.